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The Unaffordable Care Act

by May 14, 2014Articles, Economic Freedom, Health Freedom0 comments

Obamacare does nothing to address the underlying causes of soaring health care costs but, on the contrary, will only exacerbate the problems.

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I’ve frequently pointed out here on my blog that the so-called Affordable Care Act (a.k.a. Obamacare) does nothing to address the underlying causes of soaring health care costs but, on the contrary, will only exacerbate the problems. John C. Goodman this week notes on his blog that

Over the past three years almost all the significant features of the new legislation have increased, rather than reduced, health costs — providing risk pool insurance to the uninsurable, forcing private plans to cover more benefits, and adding such extras to Medicare as free “wellness exams” and closing the prescription drug “donut hole.” Serious people expect ObamaCare to increase costs even more in future years. Medicare’s actuaries project that ObamaCare will add $625 billion to total health care spending over the next decade. The RAND Corporation predicts that ObamaCare will increase health insurance costs by almost $2,000 by 2016.

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