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Ron Paul: ‘The FDA and the drug companies are in bed together’

by Apr 13, 2012Articles, Health Freedom0 comments

Ron Paul offers an illustration of why more regulations is not the answer, when the federal agencies that are supposed to exist to "protect" us in fact serve to protect the corporations.

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Ron Paul offers an illustration of why more regulations is not the answer, when the federal agencies that are supposed to exist to “protect” us in fact serve to protect the corporations. A few excerpts:

But the FDA and the drug companies are in bed together and they squeeze out competitions and build up their monopolies and they love government medicine because they make more money. The insurance companies and the drug companies, whether it’s Democrats or Republicans reforming the medical care system, these corporations run the show.

There’s plenty of bad drugs, and the FDA’s permitted a lot of them to get on the market, too. I mean bad drugs on the market now. Did you ever see a PDR? They’re about that big and about half of them are useless. But if it’s FDA approved- and what does the FDA do when it comes to alternative or natural products? The FDA and the drug industry keeps them off the market. A natural drug product, alternative health care, freedom of choice, it is obstructed from those making those free choices. So it’s there to protect the drug industry.

What industry it is, whether it’s the housing industry, housing insurance, it’s always to squeeze the little guy out and protect the big industries. Competition serves the competitor who is trying to compete with big industry, and I don’t like to see government protecting big industries and big corporations.

Read the full interview transcript at Natural News. The embed code is producing a funky result, as you can see above. You can also watch the video here.

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