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Alan Dershowitz: ‘I categorically oppose all torture. Except when…’

by Feb 10, 2013Articles, Foreign Policy0 comments

Dersh is categorically against torture under all circumstances while at the same time supporting the idea that torture is permissible under the circumstance that it is approved by a court.

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Alan Dershowitz has a boo-hoo-poor-me column in The Guardian in which he illustrates classic psychological projection, claiming:

The reason I attract such vicious attacks for speaking up for Israel is to scare and silence other, more vulnerable advocates[.]

Remember when The Dershmeister called Justice Richard Goldstone “an evil, evil man” for heading up the U.N. Human Rights Council’s fact-finding mission into Israel’s 22-day full-scale military assault on the civilian population of the Gaza Strip?

There’s one paragraph, though, in particular I want to point out, where Dersh writes:

The second charge is that I am pro-torture, despite my repeated categorical statements in my writings that I’m opposed to all torture under all circumstances. I do believe that torture will be used, not should be used, in the event we ever experience a ticking bomb situation. Accordingly, I have suggested that no torture should ever be permitted without a court approved warrant, of the type the ACLU has demanded in targeted killing cases.

So, Dersh is categorically against torture under all circumstances while at the same time supporting the idea that torture is permissible under the circumstance that it is approved by a court.

So add cognitive dissonance to The Dersh’s list of psychological issues.

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