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Video: Israeli Soldier Threatens to Shoot Unarmed Palestinians

by May 14, 2014Articles, Foreign Policy, Multimedia0 comments

This has received attention because it was videotaped and uploaded to YouTube. But as Amira Hass points out in Haaretz, it is not an isolated incident.

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An Israeli soldier named David Adamov  is seen shoving an unarmed Palestinian teenager and then cocking his gun and pointing it at the teen and his companion, threatening to kill the second youth for videotaping the incident.

This incident has received attention because it was videotaped and uploaded to YouTube. But as Amira Hass points out in Haaretz, it is not an isolated incident. On the contrary, “Violence and bullying are what the Israel Defense Forces’ presence in Hebron and the West Bank is really all about…. Humiliation of the Palestinians by every level of the civilian and military apparatus is an inseparable part of building a nation of overlords.”

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