Join Me in Championing Truth and Liberty

Together, we can defeat the dangerous mainstream propaganda narratives that hinder us in our shared goal of creating a better world for our children and future generations of humanity.

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Donor Wall

You can donate anonymously or be recognized for your contribution. Make a one-time or automatically recurring donation. Choose to pay via credit card, PayPal, Zelle, check, or Bitcoin. Comments are welcome!


Ann Knox-bauer

May 17, 2024

Amount Donated

David Lang

May 17, 2024

Thank you for your continuing exposure of the diabolical evil infesting the world.

Amount Donated

Meg Faville

May 17, 2024

Thanks for your recent reply. I’m happy to discover the WRMEA connection and very appreciative of your work on all other topics, as well. Take care.

Amount Donated
Anonymous User


May 17, 2024

Amount Donated

Guy St Hilaire

May 16, 2024

Thank you Jeremy ,you are definitely on the right side of what it is to be a Christian.

Amount Donated

Beat Stuber

May 16, 2024

Amount Donated
Anonymous User


May 16, 2024

Amount Donated
Anonymous User


May 15, 2024

Amount Donated
Anonymous User


May 15, 2024

Amount Donated

My Mission

Government officials perpetually lie. The mainstream media do political advocacy instead of journalism. Private interests obtain their financial aims utilizing government force instead of operating in a free market.

Endless wars. Endless assaults on our individual liberty. Endless efforts to convince us that it is in our own best interests to remain in servitude to the financially and politically powerful.

It comes down to what kind of world we want to leave for future generations of humanity. Together, we can create a brighter future. 

To learn more about my mission and core values, see my About page.

Donor Testimonials

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Thank you for your independent, investigative journalism. Democracy depends on the kind of work that you do.

Linda Copeland

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Thanks for the honest journalism and hard work.

Richard Roussin

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Keep up the great work on vaccines and the Israeli/Palestinian issues. I believe I now own all of your books and have been receiving much value from them.

Henry Scalfo

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Worth $10,000 but I’ve gotta start somewhere.

Corey Chandler

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Thank you so much for your ever-insightful and courageous professional journalism.

Anna Reyes

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Just downloaded your book on Palestine. Delighted to find out that you are also on the side of truth on this one! So rare to find somebody who 'gets' both covid and Palestine.

Claudia Chaufan

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"The great Jeremy Hammond" indeed! I never dove into the Israel controversy, having found it a daunting gauntlet of conflicting views and complexity that I simply did not feel I had the time to unravel to a degree in which I could develop an informed opinion. Given the current events, I knew it was time to inform myself and was so thankful to have you as a trusted resource, having followed your work closely in the health freedom realm. Thank you for delving into the nuance, complexity, and deep history of which understanding all of this is necessary if resolution will ever be possible. Thank you most of all for your firm stance on peace. Last night I envisioned massive peace rallies and Occupy movements across the globe. I believe we are on the brink of a massive Awakening. It is time for humanity to unite and rise!...steadfast, peaceful, and with a firm refusal to feed the Beast any longer. This is my prayer for humanity! War no more!

Jennifer Gleason

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Thank you for your stellar journalism.

Paula Muth

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We certainly need people like you in our world today. Truth and compassion are rare.

Joan Gugerty

Frequently Asked Questions

Why aren't you on Substack?

There are many factors that have gone into my decision not to use Substack. While I’m glad that platform exists, it doesn’t make sense for me personally.

I don’t need Substack as a publishing platform since I already own my own website. It doesn’t make sense for me to create content that drives traffic to some other site instead of to my own.

Similarly, I don’t need Substack to have the ability to send email newsletters to my subscribers. I already have a more advanced capability to do that, and it wouldn’t make sense for me to switch over instead of continuing to grow my existing mailing list.

I also don’t need Substack to be able to implement a subscription plan to generate more recurring revenue. Once again, I have much more powerful capabilities for that with my own website. To name just one example of the advanced capabilities I have here, with my own membership program (currently under development), I have the additional option to create online courses that I can sell individually or grant access to based on membership level.

Another big reason I don’t use Substack is that, their subscription option is based on a paywall model. Authors can offer paid subscriptions and not place content behind a paywall, but, then, there’s no additional benefit for subscribers and it becomes no different than a recurring donation. I don’t like the idea of publishing articles containing critically important information that people who cannot afford a subscription are unable to access.

I don’t know what kind of analytics Substack users get (e.g., data on traffic, popular content, traffic referrals, etc.), but I’m sure the capabilities I have in this area are superior for journalists who own their own sites, too.

Another really big reason I’m creating a membership program on my own site instead of moving to Substack is because Substack takes a cut of paid subscriptions in the form of a hefty 10% fee. (This is in addition to the usual payment processor fees, which is 2.9% plus $0.30 per transaction with Stripe, which is the service that Substack uses and I happen to use as well.) By publishing my content on my own site and having my membership program here instead of Substack, I can cut out the middleman so that more of my subscribers’ money goes to the purpose for which they intended it.

To give just one more reason, I like having the fullest ownership and control over my content and my publishing platform as possible. Substack has to date proven a valuable asset in combatting censorship. But what if down the road Substack starts censoring, too? We’ve seen it happen with other platforms that independent journalists had flocked to, like Medium and Patreon. I am much more censorship-proof maintaining my own website. It just feels safer for my business model to stay centered around having the fullest ownership and control as possible over every aspect of all my systems, which means sticking with my own website.

I have had countless readers tell me I need to publish on Substack or to express wonderment why I wasn’t already doing that. These aren’t the only factors that have led me to conclude that it would be counterproductive, given my long-term goals, to move to Substack. But hopefully given the above reasons, you can understand why I feel it makes far more sense for me not to move to some other publishing platform like Substack.

Why don't you use Patreon?

For one, there is the risk of censorship, and I am aware that content creators have been banned from Patreon for communicating regime-unapproved messages.

Also, we can make more efficient use of the financial resources by cutting out the middleman (Patreon and other such services charge a fee on top of the payment processor fee.) It’s less wasteful just to host my own crowdfunding.

Additionally, Patreon is designed in large part to be a publisher. Part of the model is that creators can incentivize donations by offering exclusive content to subscribers. This does not jibe with my own model. I don’t wish to place my content behind a paywall, for one, because the whole point is to get the message out to as many people as possible without such obstacles.

There are many other reasons that I won’t get into, but the bottom line is that it makes much more sense for me to self-publish and have readers come to my website rather than directing them to some third-party site.

Can I donate without using a credit card or PayPal?

Yes, you can. The donation form will offer you the option to pay with the following three alternative methods:

  1. Donate by Zelle
  2. Donate by check
  3. Donate Bitcoin (BTC)

Instructions for each option are provided. Click the “Donate Now” button to get started!

Please do complete the form even if you are making an off-site donation! This enables me to match your payment once received to the “pending” donation in the system. Otherwise, I have to import off-site donations manually. By using the form, you’ll be sent a receipt once payment is received, and you’ll be able to access your donor history using the Donor Dashboard.

Is my payment secure?

Yes. Your credit card information passes securely through my payment gateway, Stripe, and is not stored on my website’s server. You can learn more by viewing my privacy policy.

Are you a 501(c)(3) organization?

No. I conduct my independent journalism under my registered business name of Worldview Media, LLC, which is a single-member company and not a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. I have no desire to organize my business under this regulation, including because of the restrictions placed on free speech for registered non-profit organizations, which in the case of my business means me as an individual.
