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Interview: The War for Health Freedom in the Age of COVID-19

by | Jan 5, 2021 | Health Freedom, Articles, Economic Freedom, Interviews & Debates, Multimedia

In this interview, I explain why I am optimistic that we will win the war for health freedom despite authoritarian policy responses to COVID-19.

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Last month, I had a great discussion with Ted Kuntz, President of Vaccine Choice Canada, about my journalism on the topic of vaccines, public vaccine policy, and the harmful authoritarian policy responses to COVID-19. Here are areas we covered in the interview:

  • How I got started doing this work, and why I felt compelled to start writing about vaccines
  • The toll my work has taken on me personally, including causing conflicts within my family
  • What I’ve learned about why so many people don’t want to hear the truth
  • How the authoritarian responses to the COVID-19 pandemic threaten our health and our freedom
  • How the media typically serve to manufacture consent for harmful government policies and why this is so despite the US supposedly having a “free press”
  • Why it is essential for us all to develop skills in how to consume news without being deceived by propaganda
  • Why we all need to be active in sharing knowledge, and how to influence others effectively in the fight to build a brighter future
  • Why people suffer from confirmation bias and why we must be willing to challenge our own beliefs in order to overcome this problem
  • How the media have served to create a sense of mass fear and panic about COVID-19 to justify extreme policies rather than educating the public about the risks so individuals can make their own informed choices about how best to go about living their lives
  • Why the CDC’s estimated infection fatality rates for COVID-19, which are much lower than the media would have us believe, are also overestimates
  • How, according to the CDC, 94% of deaths attributed to COVID-19 have been with people who had on average 2.6 other underlying medical conditions contributing to their death.
  • How PCR tests are being misused for institutionalized scientific fraud that inflates “case” numbers that are then cited to justify authoritarian lockdown measures
  • Why, despite propagandistic media reporting to the contrary, infectious disease scientists do not consider SARS-CoV-2 to be an “airborne” virus.
  • How the lockdown measures have highly questionable benefits while unquestionably causing massive harms, including death and reduced life expectancy disproportionately among the poorest
  • The split in the scientific community between lockdown advocates and opponents, and how the lockdown advocates dismiss natural herd immunity as though a concept of pseudoscience despite it being such a basic epidemiologic phenomenon that it’s built in as a foundational premise of their own models
  • How professional propagandists often masquerade as professional scientists or journalists
  • Why there is an opportunity today for truly independent journalists to overturn the propagandistic business model of the mainstream media corporations who have hypocritically portrayed themselves as the arbiters of truth while grossly misinforming the public, including with their faux “fact check” articles
  • Why we as health freedom activists should avoid focusing on conspiracy theories and instead highlight uncontroversial facts that the government and media don’t want us to know
  • How I sustain myself psychologically, emotionally, spiritually, and physically while having taken up the difficult and draining task of speaking truth to power in the war for health freedom, and how being a father motivates me to persist despite the monumental challenges
  • Why I remain optimistic about the future despite the current state of affairs and setbacks for health freedom that have accompanied the COVID-19 pandemic

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  • Rose says:

    They just announced they’re implementing a curfew this Saturday, A CURFEW dammit, I’m so fed up complying with lockdowns I know don’t work and all based on flimsy cases, deaths haven’t changed. Ah well, it’s just for a month, guess I’ll be commenting all over the internet, pushing my no vaccine ‘agenda’ and my lab origins conspiracies he he. Here’s a nice study on lockdowns,

    The more I look at all this the more I see the big dirty hands of profit margins buying out the poor souls of politicians, health professionals and media whores to keep us imprisoned in our own homes, watching TV , slowly burning up our precious sanity through rage and loneliness… dammit! I also think they’re not approving the medications know to work to sell more vaccines, they probably think that the more we are desperate, they easier we’ll accept the vaccines, well they’re wrong, I haven’t had a vaccins since around 1965, I won’t have one soon. I wish I could prove I’m right to just one person, that would be wonderful. he he.

    So, I loved the interview and I feel pretty much helpless too facing the obvious lies and cheap maneuvers of those we should be able to trust, it’s all a bit disorienting BUT we always survived so even if it gets worse we’ll be fine… but a little complaining once in a while will be necessary though, human we are.

    Thanks again for your excellent work, your honesty and the courage to tell us all, you are doing humanity a great service.

    Here are few links just for the fun of it, enjoy. Rose

  • Ms Beckett says:

    Does anyone know how many people in the world have had or have covid 19 and are “surviving and healthy” and secondly how many people have NOT had covid 19. It would be interesting to see the other side of this covid coin.

    I know I could die or be ill and I know that any serious illness can do that but that’s life .

    The truth seems to me that the majority of people all over the world are alive and well – lets keep that going.

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