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Interview: The Scientifically Archaic Paradigm of Mass Vaccination

by Apr 17, 2021Articles, Economic Freedom, Health Freedom, Interviews & Debates, Multimedia2 comments

Why the one-size-fits-all approach of public vaccine policy is unscientific, and why a paradigm shift is necessary to obtain better public health.

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In this interview on the Alternative Views podcast, I discussed problems with public vaccine policy and why treating vaccination as a one-size-fits-all solution is unscientific and an archaic approach to disease prevention. Government policies related to vaccinations threaten both our health and our liberty. A total paradigm shift is required, but progress is impeded by the entrenched corruption and dogmatism of the existing medical establishment.

Topics we covered include:

  • How I came to focus my independent journalism on the topic of vaccines, shifting from my prior focus on foreign policy
  • How 90% of the decline in infectious disease mortality seen during the 20th century occurred before there were vaccines available to help explain it
  • Why the fact that the measles vaccine is highly effective doesn’t lead to the conclusion that mass vaccination is in the best interests of public health
  • How policymakers don’t consider the opportunity costs of vaccination, such as lost benefits that could otherwise be gained from the superior immunity conferred by infection
  • How a kind of natural herd immunity existed prior to the introduction of the measles vaccine that kept outbreaks at bay and constrained the age of infection during outbreaks to those at lowest risk of developing serious disease
  • How vaccines can have what are described in the literature as long-term “non-specific effects”
  • How the CDC has utterly failed in its core mission of maintaining good public health, with half the childhood population estimated to be chronically ill
  • How the whole concept of vaccination is premised on a ludicrous assumption and is myopic and archaic in its approach to disease prevention, and why there needs to be a paradigm shift
  • Why there is a high probability that the immunity conferred by COVID-19 vaccines is inferior to the natural immunity conferred by infection
  • Why, contrary to alarmist and propagandistic media reports, waning antibodies after infection does not mean lost immunity to SARS-CoV-2
  • Why “more” antibodies from vaccination does not equate to “better” immunity
  • Why the approach from the beginning should have been to focus on protecting those at highest risk while allowing those at low risk to go about their lives
  • How the pandemic guidance that existed before the COVID-19 pandemic, such as that from the WHO, said not to do many of the things politicians have down with the “lockdown” measures
  • How natural herd immunity is such a basic phenomenon in epidemiology that it’s built into the lockdown advocates’ own models
  • How the self-contradictory justifications for lockdowns shifted over time
  • Why the policy of preventing people at low risk from SARS-CoV-2 from building up population immunity is insanely harmful
  • How many studies have found no association between extreme lockdown measures and better outcomes, which lack of benefit contrasts with their known catastrophic harms
  • Why the one-size-fits-all approach of mass vaccination is unscientific, ignorant, and extremely dangerous
  • How there has never been a study comparing long-term health outcomes between children who were vaccinated according to the CDC’s schedule and children who’ve never received any vaccines
  • How Dr. Paul Thomas was suspended by the Oregon Medical Board days after publishing a study providing strong evidence that his completely unvaccinated pediatric patients are the healthiest children in his Portland practice
  • Why civilized society cannot tolerate the use of coercion to achieve higher vaccination rates

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  • Janice says:

    I hear a rapid tapping on that Video Jeremy , I think it might be 5G which will mess up my health I had to shut it off. sorry.

    • It’s just poor audio. If you are concerned about EMF radiation, don’t sit too near your computer or phone as you view it. The radiation does not come from particular videos but from your device itself. If you have 5G radiation in your area, that has nothing to do with this video.

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