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Interview: Should Medical Licensing Be Abolished?

by | Dec 14, 2023 | Articles, Health Freedom, Interviews & Debates

(Photo by Mike Mozart, licensed under CC BY 2.0 DEED; denoised, sharpened, and cropped from the original)
The regime of medical licensing fails to protect consumers and isn’t designed to. The aim is rather to restrict consumer choice by establishing a medical monopoly.

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I once again joined Bretigne Shaffer on her podcast What Then Must We Do?, this time to critically examine the system of medical licensing. We explained why the medical licensing regime was really established, in comparison to the thin veil of a false pretext offered as justification, and the harmful effects of this regime on our economy and our health. Enjoy!

Specific topics we discussed include:

  • How the belief that we need state licensing boards is the result of indoctrination with propaganda that obfuscates the reality of why medical licensing exists in the first place and what its actual effects are.
  • How medical licensing was implemented as a result of lobbying by the American Medical Association (AMA) with the aim of eliminating competition and establishing their own medical monopoly.
  • How this lobbying effort was thinly veiled under the pretext that licensing was necessary to protect the public from charlatans while the AMA itself practiced quackery like bloodletting and mercury treatments.
  • How the aim and effect of licensing was to push out of practice doctors who took natural approaches to maintaining good health.
  • How another effect of licensing is to increase the cost of health care.
  • How protecting patients from incompetent doctors is not the real purpose of the medical licensing regime, and how a free market would otherwise fulfill that function without government intervention.
  • How my book The War on Informed Consent: The Persecution of Dr. Paul Thomas by the Oregon Medical Board provides a useful case study of everything that is wrong with medical licensing.
  • How the view of the medical authoritarians like former California state Senator Richard Pan is that when physicians write medical exemptions to vaccinations, they are not practicing medicine but fulfilling an administrative function in service to the state.
  • How the state of California consequently attacked Dr. Bob Sears for writing a medical exemption for a mother whose child had previously had a severe reaction to vaccination resulting in seizure and the child’s body going limp like a ragdoll, which the state viewed as an inappropriate reason for a vaccine exemption.
  • How the AMA’s journal JAMA published a hoax “study” advocating loss of licensure for doctors who spread what the paper’s authors called “misinformation” about COVID‑19 while absurdly defining “misinformation” as anything that contradicted the CDC, which itself consistently lied to the public about virtually everything related to COVID‑19 and COVID‑19 vaccines.
  • How, for example, the CDC’s August 2021 claim that the mRNA COVID‑19 vaccines conferred better protection than natural immunity was contradicted at the time by virtually all the non-CDC-originating medical literature and was subsequently falsified by the CDC’s own data as reported by the CDC’s own researchers in the CDC’s own MMWR journal.
  • How I got banned from LinkedIn for accurately reporting how the CDC had brazenly lied to the public about vaccine-induced versus natural immunity.
  • How the hoax study in JAMA advocated going after the licenses of doctors who told the truth by citing a statement from the AMA in which it announced an explicit policy of penalizing doctors who spread what it euphemistically described as “misinformation”, meaning, of course, any information that didn’t align with the information provided by the medical monopoly it has established in collusion with the US government.
  • How one way to start up the discussion about whether medical licensing should be abolished—as I did in one of my newsletters, which is what prompted Bretigne to invite me onto her podcast to discuss this topic—is to ask the question, “Do you think you need permission from the government to get married?”
  • How the medical licensing regime similarly places the state as a third party inappropriately and harmfully interfering in the doctor-patient relationship.
  • How the problem of regulatory capture, as Bretigne brilliantly put it, “is a feature of the system and not a bug”; and how health freedom advocates need to shift away from trying to reform agencies like the FDA and CDC to abolishing them altogether because their very existence causes more harm than good and denies us freedom in the marketplace.
  • How people believe we need the government to take care of us because of course we are indoctrinated into that belief in the government school system.
  • Why does the CDC exist? Well, look at who it really serves! For instance, answer this question for yourself: Is CDC policy to provide people with information they need to be able to make their own informed choice, or is its policy to achieve a high vaccination rate? The answer to that question tells you who the CDC serves. (Hint: It’s not us.)
  • How the American Dental Association (ADA) arose as the trade organization of dentists adamant about the use of toxic mercury fillings, which is a practice still common today despite the known harms from this chronic toxic exposure.
  • How, because I could get no help from licensed medical professionals, I researched, diagnosed, and treated myself for leaky gut; and how I did the same thing for my wife, who was suffering from mercury toxicity from her dental amalgams (which we’ve since had safely removed by a mercury-aware dentist).
  • How one positive outcome of the medical authoritarianism of the lockdown madness and its coerced mass vaccination endgame has been a mass awakening to the reality that the so-called “public health” establishment isn’t interested in public health.
  • How, on the other hand, among Democrats, the delusion that the CDC is trustworthy is incredibly even stronger now than it was pre-pandemic, which says a lot about their ideological devotion to medical tyranny and other forms of authoritarianism.
  • How if you start with the basic principle that it is wrong to commit aggression against others, the logical corollary is that the institution of statehood should cease to exist because state governments exist for the purpose of using force to achieve ends (the use of force is a function, not a bug!).

Here are the two newsletters I sent exclusively to subscribers on the topic of medical licensing (which is what prompted Bretigne to invite me on her show to discuss the topic):

Be sure to sign up for my newsletter to stay update with my published articles as well as exclusive subscriber-only content!

Here are some of the papers we mentioned during our discussion for you to learn more about the fundamental problems with the medical licensing regime; I’ve also included the book I mentioned about the ADA’s role in pushing mercury amalgams:

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