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What Really Happened in Israel on October 7?

An Al Jazeera documentary explores unanswered questions about the Hamas-led attacks in Israel on October 7.

Apr 25, 2024


Since the Hamas-led attacks in Israel on October 7, 2023, phenomenal independent journalists have been detailing discrepancies in the official Israeli government narrative — and hence the mainstream media’s narrative — of what occurred that day.

For example, evidence that some if not many Israelis were killed on 10/7 by friendly fire from Israel’s own military forces was documented by Max Blumenthal at The Grayzone, by Ali Abunimah at The Electronic Intifada, and by Mondoweiss.

Those publications along with The Intercept have also been dismantling evidenceless or demonstrably false claims being used to uphold the narrative that Hamas used systematic rape as a method of warfare — not to mention the false claim mindlessly repeated by US President Joe Biden that Hamas beheaded babies.

Now Al Jazeera has produced a documentary that reconstructs the events of that day, showing how Hamas committed horrific atrocities, but also how the Israeli military was likely responsible for many deaths of Israeli civilians and how the Israeli propaganda machine generated fabrications spread by Western media outlets to generate international support for what has been an ongoing genocide in Gaza.

There are some gruesome scenes in the video, so viewer discretion is advised, but it’s the best single source addressing the many questions surrounding October 7 that I’ve yet come across. Watch it here:

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  • Tracy L says:

    utterly devastating. I still question how IDF and Mossad could have allowed this to happen, because they absolutely did. The social media posts of ex-IDF members stating that not even a mouse approaches the border without the prison guards knowing about it. It suits Israel to have a reason to destroy Palestine. I know Hamas did the deed, I can see the videos, but IDF and Mossad and the internal security HAD to be complicit. And the confirmation of how insane the IDF/Israeli Govt are that they would rather kill their own people and destroy houses, to make Hamas look bad, to give them more excuses to destroy Palestine.

  • Joe Sandri says:

    Good questions raised by your article. Thanks. Keep pressing forward.

    Also interesting to this important discussion is this short video purporting to show Hamas killing Palestinians who get too close to the relief supply trucks. Hamas takes over the trucks and makes the Palestinians pay for the free aid supplies.

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