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Interview: Countering Propaganda Narratives on COVID-19

by | Nov 3, 2021 | Articles, Economic Freedom, Health Freedom, Interviews & Debates, Multimedia

In this interview, I counter deceitful propaganda narratives used to manufacture consent for harmful government responses to COVID-19.

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I recently joined Buck Johnson on his show Counterflow to discuss the government responses to the COVID‑19 pandemic and to counter propaganda claims that have been used to manufacture consent for those harmful policies and violations of our human rights. Here’s how Buck describes our discussion:

My guest this week is an excellent independent journalist and author, Jeremy R. Hammond. Jeremy is one of the most well-researched journalists when it comes to all of the aspects of the COVID-19 topic. We get into where things stand as of now with the dangers of the virus, the big pharma concoction that they want mandated, immunity, antibodies, and more. We also discuss the rising inflation that is currently happening and what that may look like in the near future. We cover it all, and I think you’ll find it very valuable.

In the introduction to this episode of his show, he describes me as “a very well rounded and a brilliant journalist . . . bright and well researched”. Specific topics we covered include: 

  • How and I got started doing independent journalism and why I’ve shifted the focus of work entirely to fighting back against the war on our health freedom.
  • How I answer the question when asked what sources to rely on as trustworthy, and why it’s so important to check cited sources if you don’t want to become misinformed.
  • How one positive result of the COVID-19 pandemic is a greater awakening to the complete untrustworthiness of “public health” officials.
  • How the CDC’s dishonesty is epitomized by its treatment of natural immunity and the ridiculous lie, totally contradicted by the preponderance of scientific evidence, that vaccines confer superior protection.
  • How studies have found that authoritarian lockdown measures are not associated with better outcomes or even that they are associated with worse outcomes, such as increased mortality.
  • How the lockdown measures were deceitfully sold to the public as “two weeks to flatten the curve” when the intention from the start was to keep the authoritarian measures in place until a vaccine could be forced upon the population.
  • How to make a decision about which vaccine to get if forced into it against your will (and my current answer to which I would personally get if someone put a gun to my head and forced me to choose between death and vaccination).
  • How we lack data from randomized placebo-controlled trials on long-term health outcomes of vaccination, including all-cause mortality, and why any claim of safety absent such studies is scientifically meaningless.
  • How the correlates of immunity to SARS-CoV-2 are not yet well defined, but why, contrary to what the public is being told by “public health” officials, any evidence of prior infection, including detectable antibodies, is evidence of immunity.
  • How the antibody response with natural immunity evolves and matures over time so that memory cells can rapidly churn out high affinity antibodies as necessary upon re-exposure to SARS-CoV-2.
  • How any employer who tries to coerce employees into getting vaccinated against their will are violating a fundamental human right and should be put in notice that they must accept liability for any harms that result from the forced medical intervention or rescind the mandate.
  • How the false claim that SARS-CoV-2 doesn’t exist has been causing extraordinary harm to the credibility of the health freedom movement.
  • How germ theory and terrain theory are not mutually exclusive: SARS-CoV-2 is a necessary but insufficient factor in the pathogenesis of COVID-19.
  • How the monetary inflation that was going on before the pandemic and the even more extreme monetary “stimulus” attempting to make the economic harms of deliberately shutting down the economy with lockdown measures will cause extraordinarily long-term harm to the economy.
  • Why the Federal Reserve can’t stop creating dollars out of thin air because it would make it impossible for the government to finance its enormous debt.
  • How treatments for COVID-19 have been downplayed and even demonized despite studies showing their effectiveness when properly used.

Read my series on the superiority of natural immunity to SARS‑CoV‑2

Buy my book The War on Informed Consent: The Persecution of Dr. Paul Thomas by the Oregon Medical Board

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