
ArticlesForeign Policy

U.S. Military Funding the Taliban

The Washington Post reports today that "The U.S. military is funding a massive protection racket in Afghanistan, indirectly paying tens of millions of dollars to warlords, corrupt public officials and the Taliban to ensure save passage of its supply convoys throughout the country, according to congressional investigators."

ArticlesForeign Policy

The ‘Option’ of Military Force

When asked what the U.S. response would be the news that North Korea has detonated a nuclear device, President George W. Bush said that he would not use force because "diplomacy hasn't run its course," thus implying that he believes that the use of force should be...

About the Author

About the Author

I am a truly independent journalist and Research Fellow at The Libertarian Institute whose work is focused on exposing dangerous mainstream propaganda that serves to manufacture consent for criminal government policies.

I'm the author of several books, including Obstacle to Peace: The US Role in the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict The War on Informed Consent, Ron Paul vs. Paul Krugman: Austrian vs. Keynesian Economics in the Financial Crisis, and The War on Informed Consent, which features a Foreword by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

Topics I have covered over the years include 9/11 and the "war on terrorism", the war on Iraq, the Israel-Palestine conflict, the role of the Federal Reserve in the economy, and so-called "public health" policies including vaccines and the COVID-19 lockdown madness.

The aim of my work is to empower people with the knowledge needed to see through the lies and to create a brighter future for our children.

Stay updated with my work by signing up for my free newsletter, and also be sure to follow me and share the knowledge on social media!
